Jewels of the Nile 1997 – 2011

“We are all students at all times in belly dance, and we thrive when sincere team support is present, in good times and bad – I just love the team fun we have, no negative ego, just pure dancing joy from the heart and soul!” Charlotte

Jewels of the Nile 1997-2011

A dance school sensation, The Jewels of the Nile, has been celebrated both locally and internationally. The belly dance classes ranged from Beginners to Advanced en Professional Performer and therefore cater for dancers of all abilities. No previous dance experience is necessary – the only pre-requisite is a desire to discover or re-discover your ultimate feminine self, and a desire to have fun. Charlotte’s unsurpassed expression and experience in this art form is very prevalent in the energy levels in her classes.

Movement Technique

After warming up with some fun, high-energy belly dancing moves, these carefully structured classes focus on optimising the isolations and perfecting the techniques of the art form. Cool down includes some highly beneficial yoga and researched movement stretches. Personal growth is at the heart of these classes. So although it’s hard to give marks for such a free spirited, highly individual art form, we do facilitate a vital assessment process for students to grow as individuals and progress to each level.
Charlotte has successfully completed training in the Basis for Education programmes and processes and is accredited with MAPPP-SETA as Evidence facilitator; Assessor; Design Assessor; Moderator; One-to-one coach; and Facilitator.

Group Choreography

In Group choreography, the more serious and committed students have the opportunity to learn some beautifully choreographed dance routines. It gives wings to Movement Technique and Working with Props classes, exquisitely putting it into action. Charlotte has a unique ability to make the complex and simple look dazzling in every student, and her choreographies have been admired (and envied) by the industry as a whole.

Working with props

Intermediate and advanced students are taught how to use the many belly dancing props to enhance her expression of the art.

Tribal Style

Tribal style classes teaches American tribal – this style is performed using a combination of sagat, swords, Egyptian style belly dance, Turkish style belly dance and Flamenco arms, all wearing North African gear (costumes combining various folk styles)

Technique Class Syllabus(a guide)

Level 1 Beginners – technique 3-8 months
Level 2 Beginners – technique 4 to 8 months
Level 3 Intermediate 1 – technique and basic props minimum 6 – 12 months
Level 4 + 5 Intermediate 2 /Advanced – technique and complex props minimum 2 to 4 years
Immediately after Level 3
Level 6 Performer Solo / Group / troupe minimum 4 – 6 months
Mainly out of class environment, hands on practical training,group or solo performer training options available

© Belly Dancing by Charlotte